Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn. ― Miguel de Cervantes
We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. ― Max De Pree
When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from any particular piece of land, but from the solar system. ― Kalpana Chawla
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything. ― Vincent Van Gogh
Ignorance is always afraid of change. ― Jawaharlal Nehru
You renew yourself every day. Sometimes you’re successful, sometimes you’re not, but it’s the average that counts. – Satya Nadella
In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated. ― Willie Mays
Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible. ― Shiv Khera
One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others. ― Levi Strauss
Success isn’t something that just happens – success is learned, success is practiced and then it is shared. ― Sparky Anderson